Saturday, July 23, 2016

5 way contenders match

My sister may be annoying at times, especially in the way she presents her opinions, but the fact is that usually she is right, and she is right this time.

I don’t belong in this five way women’s title contender’s match.  This is just a space filler match on the Rise To Greatness pre-show, probably because SCW management couldn’t find anywhere else for the five of us.  I hate to be the bearer of bad news, I hate to point out something so painful, but it’s the truth.

Do you think I have any desire to be SCW Women’s Champion?  No.  That’s why I don’t belong in this match.  I have no desire to be SCW Women’s Champion.  I’ll compete.  I’m not going to throw a fit like my sister because I didn’t get a different match.  I’m a competitor first and foremost.  I will show up and I will do my job.  But I secretly hope one of the other four win…they deserve it more than me…they want it more than me.

I wish all four of them luck, and whichever one of them wins…hopefully it’s not me…I wish them luck in their quest to become champion.  But I want something else far more than the SCW Women’s Championship.

I will show up and I will compete because it is my job; I am a competitor, the fans paid to see me compete, and I will not let them down. But after this match has come to an end, I’m going to take a cue from my sister, because she ultimately wants the same thing I do.  It’s time we fixed some mistakes, it’s time we went after our common goal, and it’s time we eliminated all distractions.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

vs Katie Steward

Katie Steward,

Your days as SCW Women’s Champion are numbered.  The writing is on the wall, quite honestly, because let’s look at what…or rather who…stands in front of you right here and right now at Rise To Greatness; a great young talent and former SCW Women’s Champion in her own right by the name of Sienna Swann.  My guess is that she will end you at Rise To Greatness.

But in the off chance that you manage to survive Sienna, you have several other ladies looking to take you down a peg or two and bring respectability back to that championship and one of them happens to be yours truly.

At Rise To Greatness I will do everything I can to earn that Women’s Title shot…you know, that old time honored tradition of actually EARNING something for yourself as opposed to having some gang of thugs fight on your behalf and win on your behalf?  But you wouldn’t know anything about that, would you, Katie?  You couldn’t win the title on your own.  In fact, I’m beginning to question if you can do anything on your own without having someone else there to hold your hand.

Breakdown will be a preview of coming attractions in the event you retain at Rise To Greatness, this is what you can expect from me, Katie, because it doesn’t matter if it’s just you or if it’s you and an army, I will take the fight to you and come hell or high water, I will defeat you at Breakdown…and maybe, just maybe, I might even be the one to take that championship away from you…

…now I seem to be forgetting something; something important that I always say…

…oh yeah!

Katie, I’m going to kick your teeth right down your throat!