Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Sisterhood vs. Starr/Valentine

Luck can be a good thing, and sometimes it can be an outright bitch. As luck would have it, Fatal Fortunes had my sister and I separated. It sent us our separate ways focusing on different goals.  Angelica was riding a wave of momentum which had her defeating former world champions all the up until she hit a brick wall named Christy Matthews in a Television Title Eliminator.

I could have laughed at her but I would’ve been hypocritical because I didn’t fare much better than she did in my own affairs.  Ravyn Taylor and I earned a tag title shot.  No, it wasn’t the partner I wanted but it was a tag title shot nevertheless.  Now Ravyn may still be upset with me for not just taking the tag titles when Shaun Cruze was ready to hand them over to us, but I don’t care, because if I become SCW World Tag Team Champion for a third time, I want it to be because I earned it, not because someone handed it to me.

Ravyn and I couldn’t earn the titles, because my tag team partner couldn’t hold up her end of the bargain.  She couldn’t carry her own weight.  Hey, I consider myself at least a halfway decent superstar, but I can’t carry my own weight as well as someone else’s against the best tag team in Supreme Championship Wrestling.

Just my bad luck, I guess.

Now we’re on the Road to Rise To Greatness, and while some people’s roads are rather clear, the road for my sister and I is still unclear. We do not quite know what comes for us in the days and weeks to come.

Regardless of what the future holds as we head into the biggest event of the calendar year, our short term immediate future shows that Angelica and I are reuniting on Breakdown to face Jake Starr and Tommy Valentine in what’s billed as a Sisterhood against a Brotherhood.

How cute.

I could talk endlessly about how SCW has the strongest tag team division in professional wrestling, and that would be correct.  I could talk about how Angelica and I have a history with Jake Starr, which we do.  We know each other all too well, don’t we Jake?  We’ve been a thorn in your side, you’ve been a thorn in our side.  You hit us with chairs, we kick your teeth down your throat, it’s been a fun give and take between us.

Yeah, I could talk about all of that but I won’t.  Only one thing is on my mind right now and that is the SCW World Tag Team Championship.  This is a match of decorated teams with decorated individuals on both sides.  Clearly the eyes of SCW management will be on this tag team match as the future of the championships hang in the balance.

And those tag titles, they are definitely questionable at best.  AJ Helms has no tag team partner at this point.  The time to get in the front of the line of the tag team scene is now.  I could’ve been a tag team champion right now but that was squandered due to my bad judgment as well as my bad luck of getting Ravyn as a tag team partner.

I want to be a tag team success again and there is only one person I know I can trust fully, one person who I know will hold up her end of the bargain.  We may have our differences from time to time but what sibling doesn’t have a difference in opinion with their sibling?  It’s normal.  That kind of thing is pointless and meaningless.  At the end of the day I trust her with my life and I know that together we can become three time SCW World Tag Team Champions.

That person is Angelica Jones.

If Angelica’s head is in the game, if she’s ready and as focuses as I am, then watch out Jake, watch out Tommy, because there is no stopping The Sisterhood when we are focused.  We are one of the best tag teams in the world today when our heads are in the game and I can at least speak for myself when I say that I am focused on the task at hand.

And that task includes kicking your teeth, right down your throat!

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